Since 1959 Scoggin Blue LLC has exclusively brokered Hotels in Texas and New Mexico. Offices in Dallas, TX, headquartered in Las Cruces, NM, our active agents have years of experience as owners, investors, general managers, employees, brokers, etc. in the hotel motel field.
We maintain extensive records of purchasers, properties, and sales transactions, which have been computerized into a highly effective marketing tool. Our database allows us to categorize purchasers, and match qualified purchasers with hotels and motels. We also advertise regularly in industry publications and online.
Membership in Hotel Brokers International since 1960 with office locations across the United States and abroad, an HBI broker office is always nearby to assist you - no matter what your needs.
In offering a hotel property for sale, a hotel broker is morally obligated to seek a price in keeping with the normal market value, unless instructed by the owner to negotiate for a lower price; to advise the owner if he/she believes the price the owner is asking is too high or too low; to deliver to the owner every legitimate offer made for the property; to reveal to the owner any condition or fact which might in any way affect his/her efforts as an agent; to avoid any situation which might create a conflict of purpose between himself and the owner; and to guard against disclosure of information given to him/her in confidence by the owner. The agent’s position is a position of trust. His/Her relationship with their principal is similar to the relationship between an attorney and his client, between a guardian and his ward, and between two partners in a business.
In emphasizing the principal-agency relationship, we must not forget that the customer-agency relationship also places certain moral obligations upon hotel brokers. An agent’s obligations to their customer, like his obligations to their principal, require that they posses knowledge, integrity, and a sincere regard for another’s needs and welfare. We expect a sales person to be informed and truthful about what he/she sells and responsive to the interest of persons who patronize them. Our demands are particularly clear in our buying of commodities used in day to day living. We would not tolerate deception by a sales person as to the contents of a package, the ingredients in a formula, the freshness of milk, the potency of a drug, or the composition of a fabric. We become impatient with a salesman who does not know his merchandise. We consider misrepresentation of a product and indifference toward customers to be inexcusable.
We have devoted full time to motel brokerage for the past 60 years. These years have been good to us. We have sold all types of hotels—from 10 units to very large properties, in many different areas of the United States.